Additional Product Data
iTePROTILEWX6 – Rapid Set White Tile Adhesive is a white cement-based tile adhesive, designed for polished porcelain, ceramic tiles, crystalline marble tiles and coarse crystalline natural stone wall and floor applications.
iTePROTILEWX6 is suitable for use in both interior and exterior applications.
iTePROTILEWX6 is has been formulated to comply with the C2 tiles adhesive requirements as set out in the SANS 52004:2012 / EN 12004:2007 standards.
iTePROTILEWX6 has a pot life of 60 minutes and after application the adhesive will set within 6 hours, whereafter grouting application can commence.
All Substrates or renders on walls must be hard, sound, dry and free of dust, dirt and other materials such as grease, oil, paint and gypsum and skim plaster renders or any other contaminants which may compromise the adhesion properties of the adhesive to the surface.
Any cracks, brittle friable surfaces or hollowness of screeds should be removed and made good prior to commencing with the installation of tiles and iTePROTILEWX6.
Other surfaces: Refer to the appropriate priming technique for these applications in the iTe PROTILE BASE technical data sheet.
Off-shutter concrete, epoxy or polished floor surfaces must be mechanically abraded by means of course grinder or scabbling machine.
Existing Gypsum skimcoats and PVA paint must prepared by chipping 80% of the application area.
Any bitumen or enamel paint should be completely removed from the application area.
Any surface with vinyl sheeting or planks will need to be removed and all old fixative removed mechanically scraper or floor grinder.
** Prime surface by mixing by volume 1 part of iTe PROTILE KEY together with 2 parts of iTe PROTILE BASE and apply in form of a slurry by means of a block brush. Allow for 4-6 hours to cure before proceeding with tiling application.
New surfaces must be allowed to cure and dry out sufficiently for at least:
Concrete: 6-7 weeks
Sand Cement Screeds: 4 weeks
Brick Work 3-4 weeks
Renders 10 Days
All surfaces must be lower than 5% prior to tiling commences. Should the moisture content exceed this amount and or no damp proof membrane is used in ground contact slabs, VAPORiTe®+PLUS epoxy moisture barrier is to be applied as per the VAPORiTe®+PLUS datasheet together with iTe® SLURRY.
Should priming be required (as per datasheet) – Prepare a slurry using 1 part of iTe PROTILE KEY and 2 parts of iTePROTILE BASE. Apply with a block brush over the area and allow 4-6 hours to cure prior to commencing the tiling.
Use 5 litres of water per bag. Do NOT over-water.
Add the powder to the required amount of clean cool water in a clean mixing container whilst using a +/-900 rpm electric paddle mixer until a lump free screed is produced. This will take approximately 3 to 4 minutes. Stop the mixer and scrape the inside of the mixing vessel to allow any unmixed product to fall
onto the paste. Briefly remix the iTePROTILEWX6 again.
The mixed product should be used within 1 hour after mixing.
For areas that are exposed to high thermal stresses, temperature changes or where additional flexibility is required such as tiling onto suspended slabs, high traffic areas, external applications or wet areas – replace the water required with iTe PROTILE BOND.
- Warm ambient temperatures, surfaces, and water above 30°C will shorten the pot life and working time of the adhesive, it can also lead to flash setting of the adhesive.
- Low ambient temperature, surface and water at 10°C and below will compromise the curing of the adhesive.
- Do not add additional water to adhesive that has been standing for a period of time as this will compromise the integrity and final strength of the adhesive.
Apply the adhesive onto the prepared surface using the relevant sized notched trowel. iTePROTILEWX6 should be applied at a thickness of between 3mm and 6mm but can be used to a thickness of 12mm in isolated area. Tiles should be buttered to fill any voids with adhesive where necessary. Press tiles firmly into the adhesive and use a rubber mallet. Ensure the tile has been laid onto a full bed of adhesive. Do not tile over structural or expansion joints. Do not allow more than 15 minutes open time before laying the tiles to avoid adhesive from skinning.
Should the application criteria fall outside of the above parameters please refer to the technical datasheet or consult with the iTe® Products Technical team.
Allow at least 6 hours for the adhesive to cure before commencing with iTe® PROTILE GROUT.
iTePROTILEWX6 has a yield of approximately 6m2/20kg bag when using a notched wall trowel (6mm) and approximately 4m2/20 kg bag when using a notched floor trowel 10mm. Actual coverage will be determined by floor and wall conditions on site as well as workmanship.
All data given has been tested at a room temperature of 20°C and 50% relative humidity. Site conditions vary and setting times may accelerate under warmer conditions and slow down under colder or wetter conditions. The applicator should adjust his work method accordingly.
Do not ingest. Keep away from children and pets. Do not empty into a drain. Wear rubber gloves, and in the event of contamination, rinse thoroughly with cold water. Seek medical advice if irritation or discomfort persists. For further information, consult the relevant health and safety data sheet.
iTe® PROTILE WX6 is guaranteed to be free of any manufacturing defect. iTe PRODUCTS® further warrants that if iTe® PROTILE WX6 is applied in accordance with the relevant method statement issued for the specific project, by an approved applicator, the system is guaranteed for the life of the floorcovering.
The information supplied in our literature is given in good faith. We reserve the right to modify information supplied as and when needed. iTe® Products warrants that iTePROTILEWX6 is manufactured to the highest possible standards and that it contains no defects. It is warranted that when applied in accordance with our relevant method statement by accredited applicators trained by us, the compound will perform as required. iTe® Products cannot be liable for factors outside of its control, such as defective substrates.
Fixing ceramic wall and floor tiles to concrete, cement, plaster and brick.